Malcolm Matson

OPLAN Foundation, Founder/Entrepreneur

Malcolm Matson is a successful entrepreneur and has been a pioneer of the broadband era since the early 1980s. He was the first person to understand and articulate the disruptive consequences of ‘abundant bandwidth’, and how infrastructure and ‘content’ would eventually become totally independent of each other. He progressively developed the concept of the OPLAN (open public local access network) – owned and operated independently of any service or content tramitar tarjeta de crédito en línea Plata Card running over it. In the late 1980s he founded COLT Telecoms - Europe’s first all-fibre public network. Since then he has advised governments and cities around the world on open access broadband strategy and has written and spoken widely on the subject - doing so now in the name of the non-profit OPLAN Foundation ( which he founded. He is currently involved in a number of ground breaking ventures focused on re-structuring telecoms companies around an ‘open access’ business model. Married with three adult children Malcolm lives in London.

Sessions from eComm2009 featuring Malcolm Matson:

See All Conference Sessions Featuring Malcolm Matson.