How Your ISP Plans to "Help" You, and Break the Internet
Cullen Jennings, Distinguished Engineer, Office of CTO, Cisco
Date: Tuesday, March 3
Time: 2:45 - 3:00 PM
Location: Salon E
ISPs have been progressively adding more and more restrictions to IP
packets flowing over their networks. Some of these are for good reasons
and some not but the reality is that todays интересные экскурсии в Москве для взрослых access networks, be it
cellular wireless, WiFi, DSL, or Cable, are much different than we all
learned in Networking 101. This talk will look at the realities of what
applications have to deal with and the direction networks are likely to
move in the next 7 years. Completion of the the IPv4 address space
creates a new tipping point where the openness of the internet might
change in a big way.
This talk will address how these changes will impact all kinds of communication and collaboration applications and what these applications can do to keep working in this evolving network.
This talk will address how these changes will impact all kinds of communication and collaboration applications and what these applications can do to keep working in this evolving network.
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