Cullen Jennings
Cisco, Distinguished Engineer, Office of CTO
Dr. Cullen Jennings currently serves as IETF Real Time ApplicationsArea Director. In that capacity, he has responsibility for the IETF'sactivities in voice, video, and instant messaging. Cullen is aDistinguished Engineer in the Voice Technology Group at Cisco, where hefocuses on on conferencing, security, and firewall and NATtraversal. He is responsible for helping set the direction for thetechnology that will make up the next generation of Cisco's voiceproducts, especially in conferencing, presence and rich media systems.
In addition to serving as Area Director, Cullen is a key contributorto all the SIP security work at IETF. He was the original designerSIP's certificate management system and most recently was responsiblefor the SIP Identity RFC. In addition to his work on security, Cullenhas served as a chair and core member of the IETF IP Telephony(IPTEL), NAT Traversal (BEHAVE), and Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WEBDAV) working groups.
Cullen came to Cisco from Vovida Networks, which developed an opensource toolkit for Voice-over-IP. Cullen has remained involved in theopen source community and was one of the founders of the resiprocateproject, which developed and maintains the leading open source SIPstack, to which he contributed the security implementation.He is a regular participant of at the SIPit interoperability event andhas tested the SIP security systems of all the major vendors.He is an author of Practical VoIP, published by O'Reilly and is afrequent speaker at major Voice and Security Conferences.